Closing the Gender Gap in STEM
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Closing the Gender Gap in STEM

Closing the gender gap in STEM can enhance the future of America’s economy and technological advancements. This article talks about the importance of encouraging the next generation of women to explore STEM fields and how to do it.

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Developing a Stronger Brain with Music
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Developing a Stronger Brain with Music

In this article, we explore how the various genres of music can build stronger neurological pathways, leading to a stabilized mind space. Music not only impacts mood and emotion, but intelligence as well. Learning how to incorporate music into your daily life can make a huge difference in our lifestyles.

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What Can We Learn About The World Happiness Report For 2022
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What Can We Learn About The World Happiness Report For 2022

After gathering a year's worth of data, Gallup releases their annual World Happiness Report, a ranking of the countries according to how happy its citizens are. In this article, we'll explore how researchers gather the necessary data, what makes the happiest countries the happiest, and how the U.S. fits into the report.

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Navigating Hustle Culture
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Navigating Hustle Culture

Hustle culture is a phenomenon that promotes overworking and constantly striving for success at the cost of personal wellbeing. In this article, the nature of hustle culture is explored along with its impact on mental health and work-life balance.

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Can People Fall In Love With AI?
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Can People Fall In Love With AI?

Platonic philosophy states love is a value that transcends the particularities of the physical body. Can humans ever be able to find love in a machine?.

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Breaking the Stigma of Quitting
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Breaking the Stigma of Quitting

It is never too late to embark on a new journey! This article delves into Rushika’s personal experience of closing one chapter to begin another.

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The Use of Robots in Medicine
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The Use of Robots in Medicine

Robots are growing in popularity in various fields around the world, but what happens when they enter our surgery rooms and start performing surgery? This article depicts the relationship between patients, their doctors, and newly introduced medicinal robots in healthcare today.

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