Our Impact

Empowering and educating 3000+ students


  • Time Management & Decision-Making Workshop at the UNC Charlotte STEM Pre-College Program

    Time Management Workshop at the Charlotte, NC Chapter of the 100 Black Men organization

    Time Management and Connect College Workshops hosted by Blooming Melodies

    Leadership Workshops at a local Middle School Student Council

    North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Application Webinar

    International Baccleurate Courses vs Advanced Placement Courses Webinar

  • Service at White Oak Management

    Collected 120+ books for the Charlotte, NC Turning Point Chapter

  • Active chapter with 50 members at Marvin Ridge High School. Chapter focuses on school improvement initiatives and hosting unique soft-skill enhancement events.


Blooming Melodies is a proud supporter of Project Future India and has contributed to various cultural preservation, education, fitness, and nutrition projects since 2019 for those in need.

Videos from BM Sponsored PFI Events

Media from Other Events