Piano vs Piano Tiles: The Facts Behind Digitized Classical Music

The piano is arguably the most culturally important instrument to ever exist. It was first invented around 1700 by an Italian man named Bartolomeo Cristofori. The piano revolutionized the harpsichord, an early ancestor of the piano, and spread rapidly all over Europe with many composers writing music that originated from the piano.

A harpsichord, the ancestor of the piano.

In today's day and age, it is one of the most common extracurricular activities for people of all ages to take up. For the past decade, games based off of this popular instrument have contributed to the gaming industry. Both versions of the piano have numerous benefits, but how does the digitized spin on the classic alter the benefits?

Playing the piano has a multitude of benefits because as you play the instrument not only are you using your hands and eyes to play the instrument, but you are also listening to classical music at the same time. Classical music has not only been proven to relieve stress but also to boost brain power. When playing the piano, you are simultaneously boosting and relaxing your mind. That is one of the greatest things about being a musician trained in the piano. It enhances your coordination with skills such as learning how to read music, and multitask.

A classical piano

Although some people associate screens and technology with the destruction of classical culture as we know it, others see preservation in it. When it comes to the piano, however, it is hard to tell which end of the spectrum it lies on.

Piano games, such as Piano Tiles, do improve hand-eye coordination, but not to the extent the piano does. With limited keys, different paces, and less space, your body and mind do not connect as much as they would playing the typical piano.

The coordination that involves reading music not only aids in multitasking abilities, but also enhances your brain's ability to work when you train it to pick up a new skill. Without notes, a musical staff, and any reasoning behind the tiles, there is no part of a piano game that mimics the originality of learning the piano.

These kinds of games are still a great way to blow some steam, take your mind off of other things, and are an interactive way to play music in a smaller amount of time.

Works Cited

“5 Reasons Why Playing Piano Is a Brain Booster.” Flowkey, 7 June 2021, www.flowkey.com/en/why-playing-piano-brain-booster.

“Classical Music and Your Health.” Hylton Performing Arts Center, 13 Jan. 2020, hyltoncenter.org/news/2020-01/classical-music-and-your-health.

Google Search, www.google.com/search?sca_esv=556891977&sxsrf=AB5stBj8BZJmXX8PFNMsEPPvxTaYexXT-g%3A1692050331886&q=piano%2Band%2Bpiano%2Btiles&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmx-TXkt2AAxV0FVkFHeqmCHwQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1440&bih=821&dpr=2#imgrc=GrdzNbslLdT-cM. Accessed 14 Aug. 2023.

“Harpsichord.” Google Search, 21 July 2023, www.google.com/search?sca_esv=556891977&sxsrf=AB5stBgfLpkdGi76y_YAGtR1RtF3QzHzJw%3A1692050877091&q=harpsichord&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjP3uHblN2AAxVyFlkFHUy4At8Q0pQJegQICRAB&biw=1440&bih=821&dpr=2#imgrc=dx_QXTLX1WZB8M.

“Is Playing Piano Tiles Equivalent to Playing an Actual Piano? Does It Make You Smarter?” Quora, www.quora.com/Is-playing-piano-tiles-equivalent-to-playing-an-actual-piano-Does-it-make-you-smarter. Accessed 14 Aug. 2023.

“The Origins of the Piano: the Story of the Piano’s Invention.” The Origins of the Piano:The Story of the Piano’s Invention - Musical Instrument Guide - Yamaha Corporation, www.yamaha.com/en/musical_instrument_guide/piano/structure/#:~:text=The%20piano%20was%20invented%20by,in%20around%20the%20year%201700. Accessed 14 Aug. 2023.

“Yamaha CFX 9’ Concert Grand Piano.” Yamaha Pianos - Piano Distributors Piano New Used, 15 July 2023, www.pianodistributors.com/new-piano/yamaha-cfx-9-concert-grand-piano/.


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