Honoring Heritage, One Art at a Time

As a second-generation American-Palestinian, Nada's art is her way of reconnecting with her roots as well as sharing it with us.

To inform herself about her heritage, Nada joined an educational program called “Eyewitness Palestine”. In doing so she lived with locals in their villages all over the country.

From Palestinian architecture to traditional desserts, there is art in everything Nada sees. She captures every detail, vibrant color, and unique design in her artwork, paying homage to her people.

She learned what distinguishes Palestinians from other Arabs, and even among themselves, and wanted to show us the differences through her art.

 She puts history and culture into each piece, showing what Palestine was, is, and could still be. 

Nada's art, being of a more contemporary style, inspires the younger generations to learn. Nada takes on different types of art that aligns with different interests people might have. 

Whether it's a painting, 3D model, or a digital 2D piece, we are drawn not only to her work, but to Palestine as well.

The designs she chooses along with the color for her illustrations are vibrant and eye-catching, and only those that know or want to know will look closer.

In Nada's cultural paintings, she labels where each object is from, which shows  how similar yet different they are. Preserving small slices of a country that is being systematically and permanently erased.

As a generation that is constantly being exposed to different cultures, we are the most open minded when it comes to their social injustices.

We empathize with different people and when we become curious, we want to acquire knowledge. Nada's art keeps us curious and keeps us learning.

The older generations may question if Nada's art portrays accurate Palestinian items, or if she was just being creative and had nothing better to do. 

That's not the case here, as when she traveled through Palestine, she made sure to grab books on Palestinian culture wherever she went. 

Not only that, but Nada grew up with her grandparents’ stories of their motherland and was able to witness its beauties and tragedies while visiting.

With the replacement of Palestine, its culture, and its people, I hope that we get the chance to experience its wonders, together, beyond her art before it is all gone ... forever. 

Maya Wilson

I'm Maya. I enjoy any type of mythology, specifically Greek, writing poems and short stories, and researching on topics I am interested in (and turning them into an enjoyable story). These are social injustices, the arts, traveling, food, fashion, current and up-and-coming influencers and names, NFT, education, and world politics. I love research because I get to not only improve my voice as a writer, but learn how our society works through whatever we write. Though I do prefer working alone, I really want to connect with the rest of the team.


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