What is Critical Introspection and How to do it


Critical introspection is like diving into the deep ocean, but with our thoughts and emotions, equipped with self reflection. It's like scuba diving, examining the clues of our own minds to uncover hidden treasures of self awareness. With each dive, we unravel the mysteries of our beliefs and motivations. Critical introspection can be a helpful tool for personal growth and discovery, to better oneself. It encourages one to ask questions about their behaviors and motivations, gaining a deeper understanding of who they are. 

Critical introspection is defined as exploring one’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations. It’s crucial and can allow someone to recognize different aspects of their life, such as their strengths and weaknesses, as well as improving their emotional intelligence and empathy, while working on their personal growth. Some ways critical introspection can be practiced, include journaling, taking time for self reflection, asking questions, and asking for feedback.

Journaling has no rules or restrictions, it’s a safe space to write about anything, freely and openly, without experiencing judgment. To make the most out of journaling, find a consistent time and place that works best for you. Forming a peaceful and comfortable environment where one can focus, will allow for them to reflect the best. A common way many start to journal is with a question or prompt. Use the journal to reflect on past experiences, and write about the highs and lows, lessons learned, and anything new that was learned. Use the time to think about ways to improve and things that could have been done better, as well as celebrating achievements. Equally important is remembering that this is a personal space to explore thoughts and feelings without a filter, while being true to themselves by writing from their heart. Experiment with different styles and techniques overtime, and look back at the entries to track progress on personal growth.

Seeking feedback can also be a helpful tactic in critical introspection. However, it’s important that it is approached with an open mind, with a genuine desire to learn. Harvard Business Law explains that “Try not to judge any feedback you receive, whether it’s positive or negative. Thank people for being honest with you and let them know that you find their observations and opinions helpful” (Bregman, 2014). Receiving honest feedback will help individuals truly improve themselves by giving them an area to focus on, instead of directing their focus on an area that might not need as much growth. If something is unclear, ask follow up questions to improve your clarity. Seeking feedback is a continuous process, and embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

After identifying areas that may need some growth and improvement, reflect and take action. Consider how the feedback aligns with the goals of the individual, and start taking actionable steps towards improvement. In a world that recognizes external accomplishments shadow over internal fulfillment, critical introspection provides a fresh start.  


Acree, J. (2018, January 29). A Quick Guide to Introspection for a Happier and Healthier Life — Jules Acree. Jules Acree. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from https://julesacree.com/all/a-quick-guide-to-introspection-for-a-happier-and-healthier-life

Bregman, P. (2014, December 5). How to Ask for Feedback That Will Actually Help You. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from https://hbr.org/2014/12/how-to-ask-for-feedback-that-will-actually-help-you

Cherry, K. (2023, April 4). Introspection: Definition, Uses, Examples, and Tips. Verywell Mind. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-introspection-2795252

MYSA. (2023, March 28). Journaling 101: How and When to Start? - MYSA. Foreo. Retrieved March 20, 2024, from https://www.foreo.com/mysa/journaling-101-how-and-when-to-start/


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