From Forklift Driver to CEO: The Journey of Ron Vachris

Ron Vachris, 58, is the current CEO of Costco, one of the world’s leading retail giants. He began working for Costco’s predecessor, Price Club, in 1982 as a forklift driver. For the next four decades, he rose through the ranks of the company until he made his way to the very top. This article will explore the skills Vachris developed that allowed him to make this ascent.

Adaptability and a Growth Mindset

Vachris has had to take on many new roles throughout his career, progressively adopting more and more responsibility with each promotion. He didn’t let that overwhelm him and he adapted to each role, learning how to be a leader when needed. He worked “in all aspects of merchandising and operations,” so he had different roles thrown at him and he had to learn how to succeed in each one (Reuter). This ability to embrace change is an important trait that allowed Vachris to overcome the challenges he faced with each new role, something that a lot of people struggle with.

To be able to succeed when climbing the corporate ladder like Vachris did, one should try to adopt a similar growth mindset. Reward yourself for putting in your best effort, and always look to learn and progress your skillset. Try new strategies when needed and accept setbacks as part of the learning process. Accept criticism and learn to embrace it, using it to become better at what you do and a better leader.

Strong Work Ethic

Another characteristic of Vachris that allowed for his success is his work ethic and resilience. He had to work incredibly hard to continue earning promotions throughout his career, and he’s done so for the past forty years. His strong work ethic impressed his managers enough to progressively give him more and more managerial responsibilities. By 1993, he was given the responsibility of overseeing Costco’s expansion in Arizona after their merger. He put a lot of effort into this role and created significant progress. After his success, he was able to take on a few senior executive roles, eventually becoming Costco’s chief operating officer and now CEO. It’s an impressive progression and only possible because Vachris put in the time and effort needed to succeed in these roles. He’s a hard worker and that paid off.

The Takeaway of Vachris’s Story

Ron Vachris’s journey from forklift driver to CEO of Costco is highly impressive, but it’s important to remember that anyone can adopt the same skills and have similar success. One should have a growth mindset and try to adapt to all challenges, as well as always keeping a strong work ethic. With all of this and a little perseverance, you can make your way to the top even if you start from nothing. Ron Vachris serves as a great reminder of this.


Reuter, Dominick. “Costco CEO Ron Vachris Started As Forklift Driver 40 Years Ago.” Business Insider, 2 January 2024, Accessed 21 April 2024.


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