Failure’s Impact on the Mindset

Through a lens of negativity, failure is often viewed as an obstacle to achieve success. Failure influences our mindset, and possesses a transformative power that requires resilience and perseverance, which leads to success. Failure is inevitable, it’s a part of life that provides valuable lessons, and it’s one’s attitude towards it that truly determines the ultimate success.

Failure is often discouraging, it can imply a mindset where an individual feels powerless. There are two types of mindsets; fixed and growth mindsets. Those with fixed mindsets tend to focus more on their successes, rather than how to improve themselves, and challenges are avoided. On the other hand, those with growth mindsets are constantly willing to learn more, accept challenges and take risks, and highly value constructive criticism. Setbacks can either be viewed as dead ends, or seen as a positive stepping stone to success, as failure is an essential part of the learning process. According to Williams, “Failing at something can create an unconscious ‘fear of failure’” (Williams et al., 2021). Those with fixed mindsets may have a hard time accepting setbacks, and may choose to take the easier route to avoid coming across failure, due to the fear of it. However, failure fosters a growth mindset, by encouraging resilience, and building an understanding that failure isn’t a make or break, but it's an opportunity to learn from mistakes.

Setbacks impact mindsets by building perseverance and resilience, or the continuance in an action, and ability to quickly recover from those setbacks mentally and emotionally. These are two important skills that are important to navigate through today’s constantly changing society. Calm Prenuer explains that to build resilience, stay positive, choose how you respond, keep up a healthy lifestyle, take some time to reflect on yourself, ask for help when needed, and most importantly, learn to accept (How Both Success & Failure Can Boost Your Self-Esteem, n.d.). Building resilience helps cope with future setbacks in the long run, as individuals are better prepared on how to overcome the situation. Failure provides the opportunity to acquire valuable life lessons and learn from past mistakes, which can help overcome similar situations in the future, much faster. Failure also improves perseverance. Those with growth mindsets are accepting of complications, and are encouraged to persevere through the process. Although self esteem is also impacted by setbacks, as individuals are often discouraged, it helps strengthen determination and build confidence.

Failure can lead to self-deception as well. Williams also explains “We don’t admit our failures” (Williams et al., 2021). To maintain a positive image, individuals may justify their failures through excuses or rationalization, or instead of acknowledging their own mistakes, they focus on aspects beyond their control. Having a fixed mindset can also lead to self-deception, as challenges and obstacles could be avoided. Acknowledging obstacles allows for self improvement and to gain new insights from mistakes, and can lead back to the path of success.

In day to day life, failure is a common occurrence, and normalizing and accepting it will only bring good. By changing the view of failure, it can cultivate a resilient and persevering mindset, with success in the end.

Works Cited

Ensemble. (2019, April 16). Failure Mindset - Fort Worth. Ensemble Coworking. Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

Hasan, A. (2023, April 26). The Role of Failure in Learning: How to Embrace a Growth Mindset. Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

How Both Success & Failure Can Boost Your Self-Esteem. (n.d.). Calmpreneur. Retrieved February 8, 2024, from

Mick. (n.d.). Why Your Mindset is Everything to Success in Life | IOM. Insideout Mastery. Retrieved February 11, 2024, from

Williams, R., Frieze, I., Weiner, B., & Dweck, C. (2021, November 6). The Psychology of Failure and How To Deal With It. Ray Williams. Retrieved February 8, 2024, from


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