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The Benefits of Green Spaces

Urban green spaces are areas in the urban environment that are designed to serve different purposes, such as parks and gardens. They play a special role in the sustainability and biodiversity in cities, which is why many environmental groups are promoting the idea of having more green spaces. Groups like The Nature Conservancy are advocating for urban development projects and park systems. Prioritizing green spaces can lead to numerous ecological and economical benefits, as well as improved well being for the residents. However, without significant growth, negative consequences can occur. This is why global organizations such as the UN are stressing the creation of urban green spaces and enforcing new sustainability goals. 

Urban green spaces offer a variety of ecological benefits that are essential for biodiversity, habitat preservation, and pollution reduction. Green spaces allow for local species to seek refuge by serving as a new habitat. Each year, thousands of species are lost due to resource depletion and lack of habitats. A study in September 2021 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature reported that over 30,000 species are threatened by extinction. Creating new habitats can bring in new species to the area, leading to a more balanced environment. Increasing vegetation growth can also aid in improving air quality. The vegetation will be able to filter the air and absorb airborne pollutants. Having more vegetation can accommodate the urban heat island effect, a phenomenon where cities develop high temperatures compared to nearby rural areas. Trees can help with reducing the temperature by providing shade. As seen, there are various benefits to incorporating green spaces in urban environments. 

Along with ecological benefits, there are also social benefits. Urban green spaces can improve the mental health of residents in urban areas, enhancing the overall physical and psychological health in the region. Studies have shown that the outdoors can lower cortisol levels, or the stress hormone, resulting in a decrease in high blood pressure and anxiety. Residents won’t have to deal with stress-related issues often after being able to enjoy more time in local parks and gardens. Access to green spaces can also encourage a healthier lifestyle by granting more opportunities to outdoor activities. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk for health issues and create healthier lifestyles. Green spaces not only assist with the residents’ health, but also with their social interactions. Green spaces can serve as venues for fairs and clubs, bringing together new people with similar interests. This can create more inclusive and diverse urban environments in cities around the world. 

The future for urban green spaces heavily relies on the urban development of cities and how they are designed in terms of architecture. Space has to be made in order to create green spaces but this can’t be done if architecture and cultural centers are being prioritized. Because of this, the residents in those cities play a large role in advocating for urban green spaces. Showing support through volunteerism and community involvement can grow the city’s commitment to preservation and sustainability. There have already been many successful urban green space projects in the US, such as the High Line Park in New York City. The High Line Park is one of the most famous examples of an urban green space. In the 1900s, it was a railway line that was used to transport goods throughout Manhattan. After the railway stopped being used, an environmental group advocated for it to be preserved and repurposed rather than demolished. Now, it serves as an urban park and a popular tourist attraction in New York City. 

High Line Park in NYC, USA

Without a doubt, it’s extremely important for cities to be designed with the inclusion of urban green spaces. That way, sustainability goals can be met while also helping the economy and local communities. Studies have shown that based on the current rate, most of the sustainable development goals will not be met even by 2030. One-third of businesses in the US are not meeting their goals and this is causing major setbacks. It’s now more important than ever for cities to take into account the future of their urban environments and incorporate green spaces. 

Works Cited

Fransen, Bas. The Importance of Incorporating Green Spaces in City Planning, Ecomatcher, 13 Mar. 2023, Accessed 30 July 2023.

Gleason, Will. “The High Line.” The High Line in NYC Guide, TimeOut, 11 July 2023, Accessed 30 July 2023.

“How Big Should Urban Green Spaces Be?” Ensia, Accessed 30 July 2023.

“Innovative Ways to Create More Urban Green Spaces.” Project Learning Tree, 12 Mar. 2021,

“Urban Green Spaces: Combining Goals for Sustainability and Placemaking.” EuropeNow, Accessed 30 July 2023.