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How To Journal

Journaling is a powerful hobby that can aid in stress relief, enhance creativity, and facilitate self-awareness. It provides a platform for expressing yourself freely, delving into your thoughts and emotions, and engaging in self-reflection. However, getting started can be challenging. Here’s a quick guide to ensure you get started effortlessly.

Gathering Your Supplies

It is recommended that journaling be done by hand, as writing manually engages multiple senses simultaneously. Writing by hand “is more focused, helps us make connections easier, remember things better, [and] process information better” (Tabac). Given that focus is essential for achieving the benefits of journaling, using pen and paper is the optimal choice.

There are various types of journals available, including blank, lined, bullet, and more. Select the journal that appeals to you the most, and feel free to experiment with different styles over time to find your preferences. Your journal should feel personal, so choose something in which you feel comfortable writing. Consider purchasing pens that add enjoyment to the process, as this can increase motivation. If you’re a person who enjoys color, you may want to invest in a multicolor pack of pens or some highlighters. Remember, your journal is your creative outlet – make it uniquely yours!

Create Your Routine

Establishing a consistent time and/or location for journaling can help you focus your mind on the task. This routine aims to “create a unique environment and/or behavior which helps you sink into the best journal writing mindset possible” (Elsey). Consistency doesn't necessarily mean writing at the exact same hour every day but rather integrating journaling into a consistent part of your daily routine. You might choose to write after your morning coffee or just before bedtime – the choice is entirely yours. Aim to find a calming environment for journaling, free from distractions, to facilitate concentration.

With that being said, it's important to remember that life is unpredictable, and disruptions to your routine are inevitable. If you happen to deviate from your journaling schedule due to time constraints or unforeseen circumstances, don't worry. You can always catch up on the missed entry later in the day. Alternatively, if you find yourself with no spare time at all, it's perfectly fine to skip the entry altogether. Journaling should not feel like a burdensome obligation; rather, it should be viewed as a rejuvenating practice. Treat it as such and allow yourself the flexibility to adapt to life's changes.

What To Write

There is no exact outline for what you must write – this is your journal, your personal creative outlet. However, starting can be challenging if you’re unsure of what to write. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Short-term/long-term goals (reflect on how you’re working towards them)

  • Reflections on the day’s events

  • Things you’d like to improve about yourself

  • Compliments for yourself (this may sound silly, but self-love can work wonders for mental health)

  • What you’re grateful for

  • Current frustrations

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to journal – do what works best for you. Don’t expect yourself to write long and meaningful reflections right from the start; that kind of pressure will only hurt you in the long run. Instead, aim to relax and allow your writing to flow naturally. You can simply recount the events of the day and your feelings about them, or you can use journaling as a way to process heavier emotions. You can get as creative as you want, too.  Feel free to get as creative as you like; express yourself through drawing, poetry, lyrics, or any other medium that resonates with you.

Unleash Yourself

At the end of the day, your journal serves as your safe space to express yourself fully. You should feel at ease when writing in it, allowing your words to be raw and authentic. Don’t hesitate to express your true emotions, thoughts, and dreams. The more honest you are with yourself in your writing, the more you will benefit from this practice.

So, grab a pen and let your voice flow onto the paper. Before long, journaling will evolve into a powerful tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and stress relief. All you need to do is take that first step and get started.

Works Cited

Elsey, Duncan. “How to Journal – A Complete Guide to Journal Writing.” The International Association for Journal Writing, 12 October 2023, Accessed 13 March 2024.

Tabac, Magda. “The Neuroscience of Journaling And Its Benefits | by Magda Tabac | Clear Yo Mind.” Medium, 11 October 2021, Accessed 11 March 2024.