Blooming Melodies

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Expansive Applications of an Innovative Mindset

It is often said that one small idea can lead to wonders. Entrepreneurs from all over the world start their businesses with just one small idea and expand from there. However, without acting upon their ideas and making them reality, their organizations and start ups wouldn’t be where they are today. There are countless organizations across the world ranging from adopting an underdeveloped village, making the environment cleaner, and so much more that would not be possible without someone expanding upon their own ideas.

According to, Christina Hunger, a speech-language pathologist, used her knowledge in helping out delayed children to train her dog how to communicate. Hunger, seeing her own dog struggling to express herself, decided to find a way to allow her dog to communicate. “She improvised a paw-friendly device with buttons that say recorded words, and modeled behavior about when to use the words. This breakthrough that started with “outside” and “water” now extends to dozens of words where now Stella can put phrases together to express herself. Today Stella can tell her people that she wants to go to the park versus the beach” (MacLachlan, para.5). This goes to show how dedication towards any idea can take anyone anywhere.

There will be times in which failure is sometimes the foundation towards new ideas and making them into realities. Most businesses however disregard them and move onto new ideas because the original ideas didn’t work. According to, “Ford planned the Edsel, the most carefully designed car to that point in American automotive history, to give the company a full product line with which to compete with General Motors. When it bombed, despite all the planning, market research, and design that had gone into it, Ford realized that something was happening in the automobile market that ran counter to the basic assumptions on which GM and everyone else had been designing and marketing cars. No longer was the market segmented primarily by income groups; the new principle of segmentation was what we now call ‘lifestyles’” (Drucker, para.11). This goes to show even if someone’s ideas don’t go according to plan or as their dreams follow, they can start from that certain point and build up from there.

Works Cited

MacLachlan, Janine. “How an Innovative Mindset Can Take You Somewhere Unexpected.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 21 July 2021,

Drucker, Peter  F. “The Discipline of Innovation.” Harvard Business Review, 16 July 2015,